Commentary and Insights on our Investment Portfolios
How does the performance of our portfolios compare to Bitcoin and the S&P 500 Index?
Here are our two portfolios:
CedarOwl Portfolio - an income-focused portfolio of great businesses meeting our investment qualification criteria - we like an emphasis on this portfolio for generating dividends-based income from free-cash-flowing businesses that have generally good valuations with manageable or no debt/leverage and with metrics generally meeting our investment qualification criteria. The CedarOwl Portfolio is a subset of the full Cedar Portfolio. For more information on the CedarOwl Portfolio - link here. Paid subscribers get full-time access to the CedarOwl Portfolio.
Cedar Portfolio - our full portfolio of great businesses from around the world, targeting outperforming portfolio returns while at the same time helping society and the environment. Here are the performance statistics for the full Cedar Portfolio:
Note the outperformance results on a risk-adjusted basis, relative to Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies, the S&P 500 index and one of the biggest ESG ETFs in the world - SUSA. Outperformance has been better on the basis of:
outperformance on Risk-Adjusted Performance (defined above)
outperformance on better Sharpe Ratio risk metric
outperformance on lower Volatility risk metric
outperformance on lower Maximum Drawdown
The period of time is a combination of actual performance results from November 2020 when the Cedar Portfolio index was launched with back testing results to January 2018.
The full Cedar Portfolio is rebalanced with adjustments - holdings added or removed, and/or holding weightings changed - on a quarterly basis.
Currently there is an emphasis on precious metals, agriculture and energy businesses:
Let’s see the specific holdings in both portfolios and the % weightings we have for the full Cedar Portfolio …